Saputo’s Milk 2 Go brand is capitalizing on small, everyday moments of fun with a new contextual campaign.
Created by Tank, the new “Proud sponsor of fun” campaign for Milk 2 Go includes creative developed specifically for media placement, with messages that are meant to highlight everyday moments of fun (like not stepping on the cracks in the sidewalk). One pre-roll ad, for example, pokes fun at the idea of skipping the spot – with a strawberry actually skipping – while transit ads celebrate the idea of looking up from your phone to peek at the ad.
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This is the first significant campaign in several years for Milk 2 Go.
Last year, it undertook a usage and attitude study to better understand its consumers and refreshed its brand positioning, arriving at the idea of being about play in everyday life, says Melina Sagarrica, marketing manager at Saputo. The brand has an even split between males and females, with the average age of its consumers in their mid-20s.
Milk 2 Go holds the number one position in the bottled shake category, with few direct competitors, but it is going up against increased competition from snacks and other beverages generally, Sagarrica says. The goal of the new campaign is to establish its brand positioning with consumers, drive preference for its products as a drink or snack of choice and drive increased consumption.
Cossette led media on the campaign, which includes online video, OOH, web banners and a domination of the Weather Network’s mobile app. It also includes POS materials in-store, social media and sports-related activations. The Milk 2 Go homepage was also revamped for the campaign.
Context-specific ads are also running for Milk 2 Go Sport, the brand’s protein-focused products, including OOH elements in gyms and hockey arenas and programmatic buys targeting more sports-oriented consumers online.
The brand also partnered with New York-based Mediabrix on in-app ads for mobile games, acting as the “rescue” sponsor for players, in line with the overall campaign strategy of being a “sponsor of fun.” It created a game-within-a-game where players could crush strawberries to save themselves from losing during regular play (such as gaining an extra life or an extra letter, depending on the game), allowing Milk 2 Go’s branding and its specific flavour to be integrated into a game targeting its core consumer.
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