Media City and Signpatico have made their merger into Vendo Media official, and have named Sylvio Deluca as the company’s president of Vendo Media.
The former CEO of Media City will now oversee day-to-day operations of Vendo.
Media City and Signpatico began working together under the Vendo banner since Oct. 2020 to form a joint sales and marketing front that focused on selling Outdoor Digital boards.
At the time, Media City mainly offered outdoor assets in Eastern Canada, along with an indoor network, while Signpatico focused on Western Canada outdoor digital assets.
“As the pandemic changed work and travel habits along with population shifts, we put all of our energy into building the biggest national and regional outdoor digital network,” says Deluca.
The new merger allows Vendo Media to offer over 400 DOOH faces across both Canadian national and regional markets, as well as digital and non-traditional options in office towers and shopping centres and a network of OOH poster boards. Furthermore, the company also recently added sales representation of UmbraCity’s Vancouver indoor digital assets to its portfolio.
“This merger is impactful for both our stakeholders and the DOOH market. We are now able to provide a unified, competitive and wide-reaching network for a growing DOOH buying audience,” says James McDonnell, CEO of Vendo Media, adding that it will soon be adding more innovation to proposal and mapping tools it has recently developed.