Articles Tagged ‘digital’

RBC diversifies its media plan to engage with young Canadians

The brand increases its investment in social media to promote its RBC Training Ground talent identification program.

Dainty Foods goes broad with mass digital and DOOH buy

The campaign aims to reach a broad spectrum of younger consumers who have varying preferences and personalities.

Computer with data spreadsheet on its screen

Magna reveals ad forecast for 2025, highlights search growth

The research company’s latest report records market growth of 8.4% this year.

Connected TV is driving ad revenue growth in Canada

GroupM’s This Year Next Year mid-year forecast expects Canada’s total ad revenue to increase by 5.7%.

Astral launches new digital highway boards in Toronto

The two new OOH faces are located near the city’s entertainment district along the Gardiner Expressway.

Canadians would go ad-free for $5 more per month: study

Many say they’re consuming more paid-subscription content than they were two years ago.

In the year since Pritchard’s utlimatum, what has changed?

Experts weigh in on whether or not digital has truly cleaned up its act — and what still needs to change.

Digital to take up nearly half of ad spend by 2020: report

Mobile will also make up more than three quarters of global digital dollars.

Walmart tweaks its back-to-school targets on Facebook

This year’s campaign went fully immersive and targeted students as well as moms.

Active International goes digital for first Canadian campaign

The company has expanded its focus to reach more marketers and is doing so through targeted digital as well as mass reach OOH.

Online video ad spend predicted to grow 58% in three years: report

Canadian digital video viewership isn’t increasing as quickly as the ad spend is — but time spent watching is set to rise more rapidly.

Cable fading and wearables rising: study

The MTM’s new report with spring 2017 data shows what’s reaching a point of maturation, what’s up-and-coming and what’s on the way out.

Online ad revenue gains driven entirely by mobile: IAB Canada

IAB Canada’s yearly internet advertising revenue report shows that mobile advertising saw 57% growth.

Digital gains can’t make up for print drops: Vividata

The Globe and Mail once again topped Vividata’s rankings for overall reach, but most newspapers saw declines in print audience from last quarter.

Traditional TV thrives and Netflix lags in French Canada: study

A new eMarketer study found that the gap between digital and traditional media consumption is far more significant in Quebec than it is elsewhere – and ad spend reflects that.