Lean Cuisine is getting fresh with consumers through a new campaign for Fresh Inspirations, its latest line of healthy frozen entrees.
The Nestlé-owned brand’s campaign, which targets women aged 25 to 54, features creative from Publicis and media by ZenithOptimedia, and relies primarily on TV ads, airing on conventional and specialty channels in English and French-speaking Canada, such as CTV, HGTV, Global and Canal Vie.
Danielle Giordano, marketing associate for Lean Cuisine and Stouffer’s, Nestlé Canada, tells MiC that this is the first time the brand has invested in TV space in awhile, adding that TV was the most efficient way to launch Fresh Inspirations and communicate its “Inspired by You” narrative.
The campaign also makes use of social media, through Facebook, and will leverage a newly formed partnership with Skate Canada, which includes broadcast sponsorships for Lean Cuisine on TSN and TSN2, as well as in-arena jumbotron spots and rinkboard ads.
“Skate Canada is a good opportunity for the brand as it has a high appeal among women aged 30+ who lead an active lifestyle, which fits very well within the Lean Cuisine consumer target,” says Giordano of the partnership, noting the skating’s Canadian heritage also made it a good match to give the brand extra visibility.
Giordano adds that the campaign, which will run throughout the course of 2013, will also roll out in-store promotions at all large grocery store chains as it goes on, but was unable to offer any further details about what they will entail.
The TV spots will air in cycles, with the current cycle ending in April, and the second running from August to September, while the social media aspects will be active all year.
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