Spotted! Charmin’s coy coffee campaign

The beverage sleeve campaign will run until May 5.

Charmin, the toilet paper brand with the cuddly spokesbears, have partnered with Carat and Eat it Up Media (EiUM) for a coy OOH campaign that highlights the “stimulating” effect of one’s morning coffee.

At 80 participating cafes in the city, Torontonians will get their coffee in a Charmin-branded sleeve. The coffee sleeve program features the message “Better Tear, Better Mornings,” along with a delightful, tongue-in-cheek creative of the adorable Charmin bear holding a coffee cup with its own branded sleeve.

The slogan is a reference to Charmin’s Ultra Soft Smooth Tear tissue that has a scalloped edge instead of the typical perforated lines. The coffee sleeves will also come with a QR-code leading to a contest to win a year’s supply of Charmin.

According to EIUM, “The cafes we chose were located in high-density areas frequented by a broad audience. The goal was to raise awareness for the product amongst as wide an audience as possible in Toronto.”