OMAC updates industry inventory mapping tool

Users can now access and geo-locate 90% of the OOH inventory across Canada.

The Out-of-Home Marketing Association of Canada (OMAC) has launched an updated version of its interactive mapping tool.

The tool allows users to access OMAC’s entire member library inventory and covers 90% of all OOH inventory available across Canada.

Rosanne Caron, president of OMAC, says users can now access the industry body’s membership’s entire inventory of static and digital products and networks across Toronto, Montreal, Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver.

Using the interactive mapping tool, users can select any of the above five markets and geo-track inventory locations by operators and products on a single map.

Astral, Clear Channel, Pattison and Outfront properties cover the Calgary, Edmonton and Toronto markets with the addition of Lamar Transit in Vancouver and Quebecor Media and Cogeco Metromedia in Montreal. 

The information in the database is courtesy of COMB and information supplied by operators as of July 2015.